Monday, August 4, 2014

Super Thin Handmade Paper workshop

Super Thin Handmade Paper Workshop

August 8th, Friday, 10 am - 4 PM

Cost: $75.

You will make translucent sheets of paper by hand from a variety of fibers including flax, kozo (mulberry), abaca, blue jeans and indigenous plants. Great for lamps, collages, chine colle on prints, drawings, etc.
E-mail me at to save a spot in the workshop.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

New! Cyanotype workshop at Pondside Pulp and Paper, July 19, 2014

Photographic Cyanotypes on Handmade Paper
taught by Kevin Gray
Cyanotype session on July 19, 2014, Saturday, 10 am - 4 PM
Cost $75.
Hand Papermaking session on July 17, 2014, Thursday, 1 - 4 PM (optional)
taught by June Tyler
Cost $45.
Class size is limited to 5.

Learn how to make photographic cyanotypes. Cyanotype is a 19th century process of making blue-colored prints on paper using sunlight (or UV light) for exposing and water for developing. In this class, students will learn how to print digital negatives from their photographs on the computer and then will coat and print on their own cyanotype paper.
Students should bring a flash drive or CD with photographs with which to make their digital negatives during the class.
Students who are unable to come to the papermaking session on July 17th may purchase the paper they need or bring their own for their prints.

Kevin Q. Gray received his MFA in Visual Arts from the Art Institute of Boston at Lesley University in 2009, and his BFA in Fine Art with a concentration in photography and painting from Hartwick College in 2001. Since that time his work has been included in many regional group and solo exhibitions, including a solo exhibition at the Fenimore Art Museum in Cooperstown in 2012. He has been awarded three grants from the New York Foundation for the Arts in support of his work. Kevin also assists local museums with educational exhibit planning and photography.
Kevin Gray uses a variety of processes in his fine art photographic work, from digital to film and alternative/antiquarian processes such as tintypes, liquid photographic emulsion, and Polaroid emulsion lifts. Explorations of nostalgia and memory are major recurrent themes in his work.

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Summer 2014 workshops:

Big Paper!

July 10 - 11, 2014 (Thursday and Friday) 10 am - 4 PM

In this workshop participants will use a pulp sprayer to make large handmade paper sheets. Great for wall hangings, window shades and other large scale work!
Cost: $150

Sculptural Handmade Paper Lamps

July 31 - August 2nd, 2014 (Thursday - Saturday) 10 am - 4 PM

Create translucent sculptural pieces with handmade paper! The process involves producing an armature with willow and cloth. Then layers of pulp made from eastern plant fibers (kozo or gampi) and indigenous plant fibers are applied to  the cloth. When the pulp is dry, the cloth is removed, leaving a strong, translucent paper wedded to the willow support.
Optional electrical units and lamp shade supplies will be available for purchase to use with your handmade paper sculpture.
Cost: $225.

Super Thin Handmade Papers!

August 8, 2014 (Friday) 10 am - 4 PM

You will make translucent sheets of paper by hand from a wide variety of fibers including those from indigenous plants, eastern plant fibers and over beaten fibers. Western and eastern sheetforming techniques will be utilized.
This workshop is perfect for those of you who have made paper before and want to perfect your technique. This paper will be great for lamps, collages, chine colle on prints, drawings, etc.
Cost: $75.

Introduction to Papermaking

August 22, 2014 (Friday) 10 am - 4 PM

In this introductory workshop, participants will learn the basics of pulp preparation and sheet forming utilizing simple tools, which can be found or constructed in the home studio. Students will sample western methods of sheetforming and make paper with one or more plant fibers. Techniques covered will include: laminating, embedding, embossing and others. We will create sheets which may be used for a variety of projects.
Cost: $75.

Here are some images from a Big Paper workshop.